Re-useable Dryer Sheets
DIY Re-useable Dryer Sheets
Use our white vinegar and essential oil fabric softener recipe for these clever dryer sheets
Are you like me and have a dilemma between wasting energy on using the tumble dryer and not wanting to give up soft fluffy towels? I just don’t like a hard towel, but I prefer to line dry, that’s best for the electricity bill and the environment right?
I have tried all sorts of ideas over the years to get the feel I like without using the dryer. This is my favourite, and while it does make use of the dryer for a few minutes I feel it is a compromise worth making.
Here’s how I do it:
Line dry your towels.
Then when the electricity is on off-peak put the dryer on a low heat for about 20 mins with the towels in. Take a small cloth (dishcloth or face cloth) and dampen it slightly with water. Then put a tsp or so of your white vinegar fabric softener on the dampened cloth and add to the dryer. Set to go. Your towels with be much much softer than if you tumble without the re-useable dryer sheet.
Do let me know how you get on with this idea!